BREAKFAST SEMINAR: Travel & Subsistence Legislation - what are the risks to my business?
15 Apr 2016

**Unfortunatley this event has been cancelled**

This breakfast seminar includes a special presentation by Gateley Plc Partner, Chris Thompson, on the changes in legislation to Travel & Subsistence expenses for contractors, implemented from 6th April 2016. Chris will cover how these changes could affect your business, importantly highlighting where the risks lie, and then will be answering any questions you have afterwards.
Location: First Recruitment Group, Parry House, Birchwood Boulevard, Warrington, WA3 7QU
Date: Friday 22nd April 2016
Time: 8.30am – 10.30am
Cost: Free (registration essential - see below)
Attendance: Max 25 places
- 8.30am – 9am – Networking and breakfast (tea, coffee, bacon and sausage breakfast rolls)
- 9am – 10am – Presentation with Guest Speaker Chris Thompson, Partner at Gateley Plc
- Recap on the 2014 agency legislation changes
- The Travel & Subsistence expenses changes for April
- The likely IR35 changes for April 2017
- Transferred liability risks for PAYE (deemed employment)
- Overview on where the risk lies generally in the different engagement models for employment related claims
- Upward costs pressure in whatever model if net pay of contractors not to reduce
- 10am – 10.30am – Q&A
Register Now
To register for this event please email your details to, by Wednesday 13th April, who will then confirm your place.